筆者近日經常聽有網友說用windows 7玩網絡游戲的時候網絡延時比較高,也就是ping比平時xp的時候高一點,一直找不到原因,很苦惱。今天我們終於找到理由了,原來是Win7的一個服務在作怪,這個服務叫:Multimedia Class Scheduler。
The Multimedia Class Scheduler service (MMCSS) enables multimedia applications to ensure that their time-sensitive processing receives prioritized access to CPU resources. This service enables multimedia applications to utilize as much of the CPU as possible without denying CPU resources to lower-priority applications.
MMCSS uses information stored in the registry to identify supported tasks and determine the relative priority of threads performing these tasks. Each thread that is performing work related to a particular task calls the AvSetMmMaxThreadCharacteristics or AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics function to inform MMCSS that it is working on that task.
For an example of a program that uses MMCSS, see Exclusive-Mode Streams
重啟電腦後設置才會生效,然後到服務裡關閉並禁用Multimedia Class Scheduler,再進游戲看看有沒有提高呢。若遇到網絡延時高的朋友,趕緊按照以上的方法試試看吧~!