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日期:2017/1/20 17:37:33      編輯:Linux系統常見問題解答

 /****fork_test.c *****/#include#include#includemain(){ pid_t pid; /*此時僅有一個進程*/ int n=4; pid=fork(); /*此時已經有兩個進程在同時運行*/ if(pid<0) printf("error in fork!/n");else if(pid==0) /*返回0表示子進程*/ { n++; printf("I am the child process, my process ID is %d,n=%d/n",getpid(),n); } else /*返回大於0表示父進程*/ { n--; printf("I am the parent process, my process ID is %d,n=%d/n",getpid(),n); }}



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