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Linux中 permission denied解決方法

日期:2017/2/7 14:38:14      編輯:Linux教程

[root@localhost etc]# named -g

Jun 13 11:18:01.227 starting BIND 9.2.4rc6 -g
Jun 13 11:18:01.227 using 1 CPU
Jun 13 11:18:01.233 loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
Jun 13 11:18:01.241 no IPv6 interfaces found
Jun 13 11:18:01.242 listening on IPv4 interface lo,
Jun 13 11:18:01.243 binding TCP socket: address in use
Jun 13 11:18:01.243 listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
Jun 13 11:18:01.244 binding TCP socket: address in use
Jun 13 11:18:01.249 /etc/named.conf:19: couldn't add command channel address in use
Jun 13 11:18:01.250 ignoring config file logging statement due to -g option
Jun 13 11:18:01.250 couldn't open pid file '/var/run/named/': Permission denied
Jun 13 11:18:01.250 exiting (due to early fatal error) permission denied


chown named:root /var/run/named


service named start

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