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CentOS 6.X Installation Guide With Screenshots

日期:2017/2/7 14:31:31      編輯:Linux教程

CentOS(Community Enterprise Operating System) is an open source Operating system. It is almost similar to RHEL(Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and can easily be downloaded from the CentOS site. It is generally used in the Data Center Where you don't want buy or spend money on RHEL License and support.

In this tutorial we will discuss CentOS 6.4 installation steps with the Screenshots.

Step:1 Download the CentOS 6.X iso file from the CentOS Site :

Step:2 Now Burn the downloaded ISO file into DVD or USB drive

Step:3 Change the Server's Boot Medium , select the DVD or USB drive depending upon your media. Below Screen will after booting with bootable media :

centos Installation Screen
Select  'Install & Upgrade existing system' & press Enter

Step:4 Skip the Media Testing

CentOS Media Testing

Step:5 Click on Next & Start the Installation process

Centos Installation

Step:6 Select your respective the language and click on Next

Language Selection during installation

Step:7 Select Appropriate Keyboard

CentOS installation Keyboard Layout

Step:8 Select the 'Basic Storage Devices' as we are installing the OS on Server's physical Hard drive

Basic Storage Devices

Step:9  As we are doing fresh installation so select 'Yes, Discard any data'

Discard Data on drive during installation

Step:10 Set the HostName and if you want to configure network during the installation then click on 'configure network' and assgin the ip address,netmask and gateway according to your setup.

hostname and network configuration during centos installation

Step:11 Select your respective Time Zone & Click on Next

Time Zone in Centos

Step:12 Set the root password and Click on Next

root password during installation

Step:13 If you want to create customize parition table then select 'Create Custome Layout' otherwise select 'Replace Existing Linux System(s)' , it will create the default paritions.

default parition table

Step:14 Select 'Write Changes to Disk' , it will start formating the disk.

Write Changes to Disk on linux installation

Step:15 Select the Installation Type , in my case i am selecting 'Minimal Desktop', If you are planning to install database server or webserver , then you should select the respective options & then click on Next

Minimal Centos Installation

Step:16 Installation Started as shown below:

Centos installation started

Step:17 Installation Completed ,Reboot your Machine

reboot machine after installation

Step:18 Login Screen after Installation

Centos Login Screen 

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